Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Clemens To Jail?

It's going to get a lot worse for Clemens too. He may be indicted for perjury and witness tampering. He was explicitly told not to talk to his maid and then he invited her to his house before she was questioned. What an ego this guy has!

It looks Canseco is going to finally testify against Clemens too. Apparently Clemens has not only lied about taking steroids, but he lied about attending the party at Canseco's house where all his steroid usage started. Clemens swore under oath he did not attend this party. But there are pictures showing him at the party!!! Petitte has already been questioned about Clemens. When he asked about being questioned he said, "No comment". Could anything be more indicting than that?

1 comment:

  1. Clemens is a total cheater and should go to jail!
